Ok, so you try your best not to bring work home, right? But in different ways it follows you regardless.. My Speech. We spend our days saying repetitive and kind of odd things.. often in threes.. Mind you, moving and talking go together in baby development, so lots of the kids we see for motor delays have speech delays.. so we are mindful of their speech goals while we're playing with them.. "Up, up, up" Down, down, down. "Ready. Setttttt.... GO!" (can't count the times we say this each day) Doggie... woof woof... Kitty... meowwww... meowww.... "Cow... mooooooooo!" "One, two, three!" "Push! Push it in. Go pushhhhh" "Yel-low" "Purr-pllll" "Blue. It's blue" "You can do it!" "You're ok" "Keep trying!" "Wiggle wiggle" (when the puzzle piece doesn't fit right yet) "Turn, turn, turn" X is allllllll done. Time to do Y.... First ...
Adventures living life to the full. Spreading independence and life skills to children and young adults. Shedding light on occupational therapy and disabilities.